
A programming language for rule-based production systems. A rule consists of pre-condition(s) and a resulting action.

The system checks its working memory to see if there are rules whose pre-conditions are satisfied, if so, the action in one selected satisfied rule is executed.

There is a public domain implementation of an OPS5 interpreter written by Charles L. Forgy <[email protected]> in 1977. It was first implemented in Lisp and later in BLISS. It was also ported to Common Lisp by George Wood and Jim Kowalski.

CLIPS is a language for writing expert systems, with some of the capabilities of OPS5.

See also C5, OPS83, OPS4, OPS5+, OPS83.

Inference Engine Tech, Cambridge MA.

An OPS5 interpreter in Common LISP.

A version by Mark Kantrowitz. <[email protected]>.

["Programming Expert Systems in OPS5", L. Brownston et al, A-W 1985].

["An OPS5 Primer", Sherman et al, comes with OPS5 for DOS].

["Rule-Based Programming in the Unix System", G.T. Vesonder, AT&T Tech J 67(1), 1988].

Last updated: 1995-08-18

Nearby terms:

Opportunity Management SystemOPSOPS5OPS83Optical Carrier 12

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